For those people that have found themselves living a porn free life, you are not alone. There are millions of people who live their lives totally without watching porn. The problem comes from the fact that there is a lot of porn that is available on the internet, and because of this the people that are addicted to it find that they are constantly having “bad” times in their lives.
You must understand that besides the physical problems porn creates, it’s also creating problems in society including an increased need for Sex Trafficking victims and an increased demand for sex offenders. It’s time to get your hands on some good porn.
The first step to getting a porn free life is to stop using the internet. If you’ve been finding yourself constantly searching for porn, then you must stop doing that immediately. It’s a terrible habit that will cost you many years of your life. If you have to use the internet to get something to watch, then do not use the internet at all.
Next, you should look for good porn. The best porn is the porn that doesn’t have much going on. Porn with no plot and just lots of nudity or porn where the actors are wearing clothes is the best kind of porn.
To find good porn, you can use Google and do a search for porn. You can even put in a keyword like “porn”, and the top hits will be good porn.
The last step to a porn free life is to be honest about your addiction to porn. Make sure you tell everyone that knows about it what you’re doing and you want to quit doing it, so that you can get help.
Porn is a big problem, but if you’re not addicted then you don’t have to be a victim anymore. Stop living with the shame and embarrassment of being addicted to porn and start living a happy and healthy life.
You’ll feel more confident when you finally quit. You’ll find a lot of friends that share your goals for living a porn free life. Once you do quit porn, it’s easy to become a porn free person and to get back into the habit again.
So remember, once you quit, there’s always good stuff. The best porn will never be a porn movie, but will be something that you will enjoy. So go and find it today.