Pornography, whether real or simulated, has become a mainstream industry that threatens to take all of our freedoms. Every time we log on to the computer or access a free web site, we are choosing to participate in that industry by participating in sex with pornography.
In this regard, I think it is important to remember that sexual promiscuity and excessive behavior do not increase our well-being; rather, they create social problems. We, as adults, choose to participate in sex and to use the internet. Both are choices we should be empowered to make, not dictates from a society or a church. You may find these facts to be disturbing, but if you truly want to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, to safeguard children, and to increase one’s self-esteem, then these facts must be made part of your life.
As a Christian, I am deeply concerned about the effect this exposure to pornography is having on our young people, because our young people are now the ones who are the most at risk of being exposed to this form of entertainment. But what does that have to do with sexuality and sex, and the Bible? In fact, sex is described as the “fruit” of the woman’s work, so we must begin there. Sex is the fruit of the marriage relationship that creates “fruit.”
Sex was meant to be a blessing between two people to enrich each other. Because of our sinfulness, we can no longer afford to have sex for the sake of sexual pleasure. But when a man uses sex to gratify his lusts, and to also satisfy his hunger, he is using sex as a “dishonor.” A dishonor that will be repaid with dishonor.
When I began watching porn, I thought the problem was solved by viewing porn Xxx (sex-related material) at home or while we were watching TV. But as I continued to see it, I realized that I was starting the process of encouraging my children to view this and to do it frequently. And by watching porn Xxx at home, it makes the issue more real, and therefore, more difficult to deal with.
Remember, this is not a new issue; it is just more widely seen than it used to be. Children and adults can have pornographic sex, but by setting firm limits and understanding how to handle problems, they can learn what is good and right and can grow up to be positive citizens.
We can teach our children how to block these types of pornography in our homes and online and prevent our children from viewing this type of pornography. By teaching children to avoid this, we can not only help protect them, but we can also encourage them to find the same love, respect, and happiness in their own lives. I want to live by the principles of the Christian faith, and I want them to live by the same standards I once had, and to learn how to make choices in their own lives.
I believe porn Xxx, whether real or simulated, will only lead to greater depravity as time goes on. It’s time for parents to take responsibility for the choices they make in their homes and in their schools. I am not saying that your children shouldn’t be educated about morality and ethical issues, but I am saying that children are far too impressionable and lack of maturity for that.